Monday, May 13, 2013

Capon Valley 50K

I thought signing up for a 50k would be good training for my upcoming 50 Miler and 24 hour race.  It had rained the night before and they were predicting rain in the afternoon.  Unfortunately, that didn't apply to West Virginia and it started raining at 7 a.m. race start. The course involved going up and down a mountain while crossing a river/stream about 30 to 40 times.  The tough uphills needed to be done walking, there was just no other option. Coming down steep hills was sometimes dangerous because of the rain and mud. I managed to stay with a pack of runners from mile 10 to 19 and it was nice to have some support. Trail runners seem to be nicer and more supportive during a race than road runners. Maybe it's because middle of the pack people like me are just trying to complete the distance.  At mile 18 I took a bad step and I went down hard but fortunately it was a few steps from an aid station. I knew I was going down at some point so I was glad I had that out of the way. Well, I was wrong!

At mile 19 I was coming down a hill when I lost my balance and I twisted my ankle. I managed to regain my balance but I twisted my ankle again. I saw a tree and I grabbed onto this tree like if it was a teddy bear. Talk about a tree hugger! I stood for 10 minutes trying to see if it would get didn't.

So now the decision - keep running or call it quits? No decision at all but an adjustment of how to deal with pain. I wasn't able to run anymore, I could only walk. There were 10 plus miles to go so I thought it was possible with the time remaining. Walking up hills was tough but I managed, however coming down a hill was so painful that I had to walk real slow. I actually looked forward to streams because the cold water made my ankle feel a lot better.

I saw my friend Raj at mile 25 and he looked alright. At mile 27 I saw a lot of people go by me and I thought I was probably the last one. Many asked if I was tired and my response was "No, sprained ankle." I went by the last water station and they offered to take me back to the finish. As tempting as that sounded I declined. At 2:10 p.m. I knew the deadline of 3 pm was approaching and I had to hurry. I was within a few yards of the finish line when I saw this girl just go by holding a strong 8 minute pace. She said good job and I just waved. I finished at 2:40 p.m and a little under 8 hours but I had completed another milestone, a 50k or 31 miles! 

I collapsed at the finished line. My ankle was bigger than a cantaloupe. I went to the doctor that night and I was out for two weeks with a sprained ankle. No medal...just a certificate of completion!

This picture says it all...  I NEVER QUIT!



Day 2: I visited the Museum of Art and the Museum of the Revolution.  This