The race started at 5 a.m. and I was already tired from lack of sleep but I was excited to run my first 50 mile race. There was a 13 hour limit so there was little pressure at going over 15:30 minute mile. The temperature at the start was 70 degrees and forecast called for 90+ degree weather by noon. I declined having my bag taken to the midpoint because I thought I had everything I needed, something I won't do again.
The first 21 miles was uneventful with lots of stretches of flat trails. Of course there were hills that had to be walked and risky downhills that had to be taken seriously (I've learned my lesson). I thought there was a lot more competitive runners at this race than at the previous 50K two weeks ago. After mile 21, there were 3 loops to be completed of about 4 miles each. As easy as that sounds, each mile had tough hills and the temperature was already in the 90s by 10 (at least it felt like it).
After reaching Great Falls (mile 21) there were three loops to be completed. The loops took you on nicer dirt trails and near the potomac river rocky side. A rocky area I won't forget since I went down twice around there, fortunately never hitting my head. The temperature at this point was already high and the humidity made you think about quitting. While I twisted my ankle twice during this time, it wasn't bad enough to stop and I just "walked it off" as someone behind me told me to do. After completing the third loop it was time to go back to the Algonkian Park, the start/finish line. I took some water and loaded my water belt with gatorade.
I tried walking for two minutes and then running for 10 minutes. It worked initially but then I was feeling the effects of the oppressing heat. I got myself together and reached mile 39 with no gas left in the tank and no liquids. I was just walking at this point but I was not alone. I went by a lot of people just sitting on the side of the trail or just waiting for the medical team to arrive. We all had ran out of water and we were just walking to mile 42, the next water station. I knew something was up with my feet because they felt like they were burning. I haven't had blisters in two years so it's hard to remember them but it was either that or rocks inside my shoes. I reached the water station and I just sat there for 5 minutes, got liquids, and got offered to be taken to the finish line. Of course I declined but I was a bit tired of the race already, I wanted it to be over. I put myself together and made a determination to just run the whole thing until the end. "No walking, just run, " I told myself. Fortunately, I had the energy in me and I managed to run until I reached the next water station, mile 45.5. I stopped for a minute and got more liquids and gels, I knew the finish line was just a few miles away. I continued running and my body was already used to the heat, I found myself focus - in my zone. I kept running until I reached mile 49.75 where I saw one of my running friend, Rohan, from the gym. He asked me to stop for a pic so I had to do it! God knows I needed proof that I had reached 49.75 miles. I kept running and I started hearing music so I thought okay, I know you are tired and I just want to sit on the side of the trail but how many times have I felt like this today and before. Many! I went by a few strugglers and we just waved at each other, I knew I wanted to finish in under 11 hours and I thought that was possible. I finished my first 50 mile race in 10:42 minutes, sweaty, smelly, hungry, and most importantly proud! Another race in the books, next up....100 miles this coming July!