Having had my worse marathon ever (4:00:07) I had planned to return in 2014. Those 7 seconds had tormented me for months! I knew it was a challenging race but I thought I could have done much better. Yes, there was the humongous hill at mile 19 that just kept growing at every step I took but I had climbed higher. I was traveling alone and I stayed at a B&B about a mile away from the start of the race. I got there on Friday afternoon and walked downtown for dinner at this place called "Beasley's Chicken and Honey." This was by far one of the most delicious chickens I've ever heard had. I highly recommend this place if you are ever in Raleigh. After all one of the benefits of being in Raleigh is enjoying southern food and refreshments.
Saturday Morning I met my friend Mike and his kid for breakfast before I went for some swimming at a Lifetime in Raleigh. Later on I went to pick up my number at the expo. Packet pick-up was uneventful, except for the people asking for a sample of my blood for research. Were they nuts? Take my blood after the race if you must. I managed to get some GU and got out there in a hurry. Later on I met my friend Nancy for lunch at this chicken wings place before meeting my friend Melody and Jenn for drinks and dinner. I got to the B&B still early and went to sleep right away. I woke up at 5:30 a.m., got ready, and was out the door by 6 a.m. I really should had left earlier as walking to the start, checking in my bag, and finding a free port-a-porty took a long while.
I started in the 4 hour corral which allowed me to start slow. At least I felt slow, my first mile was 8:03 - way too fast. I saw my friend Melody at mile 2 and she was going even faster. I tried to keep up but the first 3 miles of this race I didn't feel that great. I actually thought about dropping out but I know myself, even if I was dying I wouldn't drop out. Perhaps it was the food I had the night before, who knows. I was keeping an even pace for most of the first half. There were some rolling hills but I knew biggers ones were coming in the second half. The first half course was pretty much like the year before and I knew I did not need to work as hard. Well, maybe I went out a little fast that I should had, I was averaging mid 8s per mile.
Beginning the second half I felt fresh, I was getting into the race and I hit the gas a little way too early and got some low 8s at miles 15-17. Before mile 20 the course took you to this very scenic lake and a somewhat flat area. I was begining to see people hitting the wall and slowing down. I went by with no problems until I hit the wall myself at mule 21. The last 5 miles were full of steep rolling hill. This guy next to me started skipping, passing me and then letting me pass him. I just let him do his thing, I had to energy to play around at this point. I started to go a little faster and faster until I got to mile 24 and I slowed down again. A guy passed me and asked me if I was in the 3:45 pace group. I nooded and he said, well, they pace group felt apart I'm the only one who survived. I tried to keep up with him and we ran together for about two miles. At mile 26, I saw that guy who was skipping and he kept trying to pass me. I was tired and eventually he passed me. I had gotten what I had come here to get an under 4 hour marathon and I was at 3:45 at this point. I finished the race with no injuries but I needed to stretch a bit. I crossed the finish line at 3:47:35. As I walked to get some water, the skipping guy approached me and said, "you're a bad mf. I tried to pass you and I couldn't." I said, "thanks, I'll take that as a compliment" and just walked to get water. The heat was not a factor like last year. The temperature was about mid 60s at the start and low 70s by the time I finished. I walked over to the finish area and I got to enjoy the Smash Mouth show. Yes, they are old and their songs aren't as hip as back in the days but I still like their music. They played Walkin' on the Sun, I'm a believer, and All Star, and Why can't we be friends. I sat there on the lawn for a long while but I knew I needed to get up soon and start planning my exit. I wanted to try going to the same restaurant I had gone with my friend Carl last year, The Pit. My friends bailed on me so I slowly walked over and enjoy the best BBQ ever. How could I not come to Raleigh and not enjoy this? Couldn't and wouldn't! I had met my goal and there was nothing better than to enjoy at least a nice meal.